Donate to the Fellowships Student Support Fund

Fellowships are life-changing opportunities for students.

Through the application process, students learn to advocate for their own academic and professional aspirations. Then, the fellowships support domestic and international research, graduate study or professional placements that can accelerate and transform a student’s trajectory.

However, when students are selected for these competitive awards, they sometimes face financial barriers that can prevent them from participating:

  • Some applications require in-person interviews that involve travel and overnight accommodations.
  • Some awards offer stipends that mostly, but not completely, fund a student’s living expenses.
  • Most awards don’t pay for visa or passport fees.

The amount of money involved in these situations can be quite small — as little as $130 for a passport application. But for students with limited financial resources, such costs can pose a significant burden.

By donating to the Fellowships Student Support Fund, your money will fill these critical gaps and make these life-changing opportunities open to all of our students, regardless of their financial means.