
Faculty and staff referrals are the best way for students to find us. Your voice in their ear saying, “I see something in you; you can do this,” makes an enormous difference.

When should I refer someone?

It’s never too early! We work with all Mizzou students, both undergraduate and graduate. We have five awards that freshman often apply for, so there’s no reason to wait. The fellowships journey is always best begun now.

Who should I refer?

In general, fellowships look for applicants with one or more of the following qualities:

  • Scholarship — which is more than just a good GPA. It’s an engaged student who thinks broadly and/or deeply about a subject and shows excellence across different domains (classroom, research lab, internship, etc.)
  • Leadership — which is more than just a title. It’s a student who recognize needs and opportunities and mobilizes others to make change.
  • Service — which is more than just volunteering. It’s a student who think beyond self and pursues others-focused ambitions in the real world.
How do I refer someone?

Just click the button below and fill out our referral form!